7 Proverbs You’ve Been Misquoting

History is like a big game of telephone, so sometimes details get lost in the exchange. Here are seven proverbs we’ve all heard before, but most people have only learned the first half of them!

1. “Curiosity killed the cat”

“…but satisfaction brought it back.”

2. “Home sweet home”

“…cable bills sour cable bills”

3. “Love thy neighbor as thyself”

“…in bed”

4. “The pen is mightier than the sword”

“…and the typo is even mightier than the penis”

5. “Fortune favors the bold”

“…sarcasm favors the italicized.”

6. “A picture is worth 1,000 words”

“…and that’s not very many, is it?”

What’s your favorite misquoted proverb? Post it in the comments below!


Liz Lafayette

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